While it’s not terribly hard to find ‘green’ products for the kitchen, it is sometimes hard to find quality green goods that are affordable and actually do their job well. The following is a list of some of my favorite green products that have outperformed other green goods- and often, their traditional non-green counterparts.
Green […]
Dr. Bronner’s has long been one of my favorite products, earning a place in my kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and the garden, and anywhere else that might need a little cleanliness. Why do I, and a billion other people, love Dr. Bronner’s so much? Let’s count the ways:
Healthful on the inside and outside: […]
At home or in your business, you’ll likely be faced with many instances when using a toxic chemical will seem like the only alternative. One of these circumstances is in clogged drains. People may immediately reach for a chemical drain opener and use it repeatedly to get things flowing again.
As this just happened in […]
America’s affinity for genetically modified crops, monocultures, and processed junk foods has many causes. It’s convenient. It’s heavily advertised to children of all ages. And it’s a cheap way to produce a lot of calories (it’s heavily subsidized). Regardless of the cause, the results are starting to take a “heavy” toll.
Just yesterday, MSNBC covered a story about the Pacific Garbage Patch having grown 100-fold in the last 40 years. In places in the gyre, as it’s called, there are 46 times more plastic bits than there is plankton. Plastic does not biodegrade and persists in the environment for eons, so seeing a pile […]
I gave up on organized religion a long time ago. While I didn’t have any idea “what else”, I knew my path didn’t lie with any one faith.
Growing up Catholic, I had an epiphany perhaps as early as age 10 that it just didn’t seem right that any one religion could be “right” more […]
There are several key pros and cons of working in a burgeoning young field such as green business. On the positive side, one of the greatest pros is that the industry is full of opportunity, possibility, and innovation. It’s an exciting place to be. On the negative side, however, green business is not yet mature […]
A recent TedX talk on regenerative capitalism caught my eye. The talk was by Michael Kramer, Managing Partner of Natural Investments, a socially responsible investment firm. Regenerative capitalism goes beyond sustainability, because if we just sustain where we are, we’re not making progress. We all know the challenges in changing […]
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Build a Green Small Business (McGraw-Hill)!
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Green franchise opportunities: Other green business ideas
- Healthy Fast Food
- Farmer's Market
- Personal Trainer & Diet Planner
- Juice Bar and Smoothie Café
- Green Building Materials Store
- Permaculture and Urban Farming
- Edible and Organic Floristry
- Energy Efficiency Auditing
- Ecotourism and Sustainable Travel Planner
- Sustainable Coffee House
- Consignment Shop for Kids Clothing & Toys
- Natural Foods Co-op
- Sustainable Food Prep and Cooking Instruction
- Food Plant Nursery
- Mesh Network Telephone and Internet Company
- Drive-thru Coffee Stand & Espresso Shop
- Eco-Friendly House Cleaning Service
- Organic Backyard Garden Landscape Design
- Green Bed and Breakfast (B&B)
- Sustainable Mobile Food Vendor
- Biodiesel Cooperative
- Eco Friendly Pool and Spa Cleaning
- Green Wedding and Sustainable Event Planner
- Organic Farm
- Gift Basket Service
- Pedicab Company
- Used Books Vending Machines
- Organic Day Spa
- Restaurant Food Delivery Service
- Used Bicycle Retailer
- Landscape Maintenance in Arid climates
- Organic Food Delivery Service
- Outdoor Gear Consignment Shop
- Eco Concierge Service and Relocation Specialist
- Organic Community Supported Agriculture
- Sustainable Property Management
- Residential Solar