Classic Bizarro humor.
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Good one from Bizarro.
Got a funny you think we should add to our site? Send it along to info at
Hagar the Horrible was environmentally conscientious (LONG) before it was fashionable to do so.
Got a funny you think we should have on our site? Send it to info [at] Thanks!
People are increasingly hosting chickens in their backyards. This is perhaps the funny side of chicken rearing (funny, depending on who you ask…certainly not Henrietta here).
Yes, there is a thing called clean coal. Just like there’s a thing called the Easter Bunny. (that’s why this post is in our “Humor” column)
This is a picture from an actual roadside billboard. I believe this is what Seinfeld would have said, “Oy vey” to.
Public Relations is one area where sustainable businesses have a tremendous advantage over conventional counterparts. As cutting edge businesses that are more selflessly focused not just on their profits but on society, the local economy, and the environment, sustainable businesses make a great story for news and media organizations.
How successful can a good press […]
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Build a Green Small Business (McGraw-Hill)! with the author!
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Green franchise opportunities: Other green business ideas
- Healthy Fast Food
- Farmer's Market
- Personal Trainer & Diet Planner
- Juice Bar and Smoothie Café
- Green Building Materials Store
- Permaculture and Urban Farming
- Edible and Organic Floristry
- Energy Efficiency Auditing
- Ecotourism and Sustainable Travel Planner
- Sustainable Coffee House
- Consignment Shop for Kids Clothing & Toys
- Natural Foods Co-op
- Sustainable Food Prep and Cooking Instruction
- Food Plant Nursery
- Mesh Network Telephone and Internet Company
- Drive-thru Coffee Stand & Espresso Shop
- Eco-Friendly House Cleaning Service
- Organic Backyard Garden Landscape Design
- Green Bed and Breakfast (B&B)
- Sustainable Mobile Food Vendor
- Biodiesel Cooperative
- Eco Friendly Pool and Spa Cleaning
- Green Wedding and Sustainable Event Planner
- Organic Farm
- Gift Basket Service
- Pedicab Company
- Used Books Vending Machines
- Organic Day Spa
- Restaurant Food Delivery Service
- Used Bicycle Retailer
- Landscape Maintenance in Arid climates
- Organic Food Delivery Service
- Outdoor Gear Consignment Shop
- Eco Concierge Service and Relocation Specialist
- Organic Community Supported Agriculture
- Sustainable Property Management
- Residential Solar